Ben Lengerich

Word Cloud scraped from Research Papers

Research Interests and Selected Publications

I research machine learning and computational biology, with an aim to bridge the gap between data-driven insights and actionable medical interventions. Ongoing projects include:
  • Context-Adaptive Systems (Meta- and Contextualized Learning): How do we build AI agents that adapt to context?
    Selected Publications
  • Prior Knowledge as Context: Connecting Statistical Inference to Foundation Models
    Selected Publications
  • Interpretable Representations of Complex and Nonlinear Systems: How can we build models that summarize complicated patterns in interpretable ways?
    Selected Publications
  • Clinical Tools for Personalized Medicine: How can we analyze real-world evidence to improve care for every patient?
    Selected Publications
See my group website for more details about my research.

Active Projects

Below are some of my active research projects. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in collaborating.
  • Contextualized Learning
  • Contextualized Effects of Complex Disease
  • Connecting Statistical Inference to Foundation Models
  • Automated analysis of real-world evidence
  • Clinical Tools

Full List of Publications

Automatically updated lists available on: Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, and DBLP.